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Re: computer codes for neutron shielding calculations

"Radiation Physics for Personnel and Environmental Protection, Revision 5" by J Donald Cossairt can be found at http://fnalpubs.fnal.gov/archive/2001/tm/TM-1834.html

 JPreisig@AOL.COM wrote:

Dear Radsafe (and Julian Ginniver):

     This is from:   jpreisig@aol.com   .

     Some texts of some interest to neutron shielding-types:

     Accelerator Health Physics --- Patterson & Thomas
     A recent "accelerator physics" course book on accelerator health physics
     by Cossairt (FermiLab).
     NCRP 51??? (I think).
. . .

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com

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