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Re: computer codes for neutron shielding calculations

Dear Radsafe (and Julian Ginniver):

     This is from:   jpreisig@aol.com   .

     Some texts of some interest to neutron shielding-types:

     Accelerator Health Physics --- Patterson & Thomas
     A recent "accelerator physics" course book on accelerator health physics
     by Cossairt (FermiLab).
     NCRP 51??? (I think).

          For neutron shielding computer codes (for 20 MeV neutrons and below)
     I recommend MCNP (Monte Carlo Neutral Particle Program).  It can handle
     many problem geometries (which are input by the user).  MCNP is
     available from RSICC (the Radiation Shielding Information Center or
     whatever it is called now; RSICC is at Oak Ridge, Tenn.) for a modest
     handling charge.  See their web-site.  Neutron Cross-Section data
     come with MCNP.

          For higher energy neutron (or proton???) shielding problems, look
     at the computer codes:

     CASIM (FermiLab) --- has geometry limitations???
     LAHET (Los Alamos)
     FLUKA (CERN???) --- Contact Dr. Fasso at SLAC or Dr. Ferrari (Italy???).
     MARS --- A Soviet Computer Code.

          Some of these computer codes might be gotten from RSICC.  See their

           More questions, send me e-mail or send e-mail to radsafe???

           MCNP training courses are regularly run out of Los Alamos.  See the
     Health Physics Society Newsletter (HP Courses section).

           Regards,                   Joseph R. Preisig, Ph.D.