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Re: Feedback - Waste shipping debate examines Baltimore tunnel fire

Instead of concerning themselves with relatively common occurrences
such as a Baltimore Tunnel type of accident, they should really look at
a worst-case scenario. For example, if a million ton meteor struck a
waste transport cask moving along a freeway, any nearby population
might easily receive a radiation dose in excess of current standards.
This would clearly be an unacceptable risk to those concerned with
such matters. When it comes to anything involving radiation,
you can't be too safe.
----- Original Message -----
To: Radsafe
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2003 1:21 AM
Subject: Feedback - Waste shipping debate examines Baltimore tunnel fire

Friday, May 09, 2003
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Waste shipping debate examines Baltimore tunnel fire

Nevada: Such an accident involving nuclear waste would endanger public


At the end of a three-hour meeting that dissected the Baltimore tunnel fire on Thursday, the sides remained no closer to consensus.
