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Last Call for Late News
The SPIE will hold its 48th annual meeting August 3-8, 2003 at the San Diego
Convention Center, San Diego, California USA. The meeting includes a
section on Radiation Technologies comprising nine separate conferences
relevant to ionizing radiation sources, detectors systems and application.
The advance programs can be viewed at
http://spie.org/Conferences/Programs/03/am/. Late papers can still be
accepted at the discretion of the program Chairs. Please email late
abstracts ASAP to mailto:fpdoty@sandia.gov. Include contact and
affiliation information for all authors and coauthors.
As a reminder, the educational program will include an advanced short course
taught by Professor Emeritus Glenn Knoll of the University of Michigan,
which will focus on new material in the third edition of his textbook,
Radiation Detection and Measurements. The course description and electronic
registration are available at:
F. P. Doty, Ph. D.
Principal Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Labs
7011 East Avenue
Livermore, CA
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