I thought I had sent this to the list, but for
reasons that escape me, the "reply" function as applied to this list does not
work consistently. I find I am sometimes replying to individuals
rather than to the listserver. So now I am not sure if the poster placed
the message this is a reply to on the list. If not, I was upset to see him
insulting the integrity of researchers on this list, and felt compelled to call
him to task for such nasty conduct:
What you did that is
inexcusable was not to identify yourself properly at the onset. Further,
your veiled comments about the backgrounds of folks on this list is the height
of bad taste. Even worse, you have the audacity to suggest that honorable
professionals on this list are engaged in covering something up (at least one
comment you have made is actionable).
You will note that I
never contacted you off-list, but you wrote me to express your displeasure about
comments I made on the list about your posts (I did briefly respond off-list,
but did not initiate contact with you). You even made nasty comments about
my website. You do your cause no good with this kind of
Syd H. Levine AnaLog Services, Inc. Phone: 270-276-5671 Telefax: 270-276-5588 E-mail: analog@logwell.com URL: www.logwell.com |