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Re: Cardio disease citation--as promised, was Gofman
Thanks for clarifying. I understand now where you were coming from and it
seems fair, although I had a sense that Lou (NN) was trying to put together
pieces in a puzzle that hadn't been put together that way previously.
Thanks, also, for recognizing that possibility.
It's a complex issue and the statistical nature of the determination -- as
opposed to demonstrable cause and effect in a laboratory setting -- is what
makes this so difficult. There are no simple answers to any of this.
At 09:12 PM 6/8/2003 -0600, Steven Dapra wrote:
>June 8
> Richard Hess wrote, "I think some people calling for citations of
> papers
>are a bit unfair." Since I have been calling for citations, I'll weigh in
>on this.
> In his first posting (May 30) Mr. Ricciuti wrote (about John
> Gofman), "And
>just WHO are We to be taking pot shots at a career spanning five or six
>decades? Show me those references to his discredit--if you please."
> Reference . . . citation . . . whatever one calls it, it is the same
>thing, and this began with Mr. Ricciuti asking for references.
> In the same e-mail he wrote, "Niagara Falls, New York, USA--was
> the free
>world's largest Uranium metal production center for the entire Manhattan
>A-bomb Project and beyond. How many of you HPs knew that one? And yes, I
>have the citation." At the end of his first posting he wrote, "Dr. Gofman
>links long term low level exposures to heart disease."
> Mr. Ricciuti seemed eager to assure his readers that he had
> citations,
>and all I have asked is that he continue in the same vein. Richard also
>wrote, "Every research effort has to start with a seminal paper, but it has
>to be thoroughly researched and documented." I whole-heartedly agree, but
>I construed what Mr. Ricciuti wrote as meaning that Gofman had already
>written the paper and that it had been published. After all, if Gofman
>hadn't published this, how could Mr. Ricciuti have written that Gofman had
>made this link? I'm not asking for a citation to a paper that hasn't been
>written . . .
>Steven Dapra
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