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RE: Cs and a question, if you please
Yes, I know what they are and how they were used. But if you look in the NRC
regulations (10 CFR 30.15 (a) 8) electron tubes (gap switches) with < 5 uCi
Cs-137 are exempted from licensing and the requirements of 10 CFR 20, 30-36
and 39. Generally the isotope was plated on to an electrode inside the
hollow sealed ceramic body of the gap switch. Impossible to release to the
environment unless you crush the GS ( VERY difficult job in itself) and
chemically, or mechanically remove the isotope from the electrode surface.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NiagaraNet@AOL.COM [SMTP:NiagaraNet@AOL.COM]
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 7:55 AM
> To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> Cc: NiagaraNet@AOL.COM
> Subject: Cs and a question, if you please
> Does anyone know what a Cesium "Gap" or "Cap" was from the early weapons
> days? Was it from the early weapons days?
> IF SO, please ignore this request.
> The Cs137 found in this area was from these Gaps-Caps, as they (whatever
> these items were), were found at two locations in Niagara County. One
> location was
> the former Lake Ordnance Works located a few miles N of Niagara Falls and
> the
> other location was "on the surface and a few inches below" at the school
> on
> the Love Canal within the city of NF, NY.
> Some people have mentioned that this "device" was associated with
> Krytrons.
> To the National Security Folks-I AM NOT TRYING TO BUILD ANYTHING OTHER
> Any information would be helpful.
> Please respond without attachments.
> Thanks and best,
> Lou R.
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