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RE: Field's comments on Cohen's Observation
Thanks Jim - I really could not follow your post.
You stated that from LNT, it follows as the night the day that radiologically-
induced cancer incidence (and cancer mortality, given reasonably uniform
standards of treatment) is a linear function of person-rem exposure. As such,
an ecologic study is adequate to test the LNT, assuming dependence and
confounding issues can be handled.
I have two brief comments,
First, radiologically induced lung cancer is not a linear function as per
person-rem unless you can describe the population in pretty good detail. For
example, there are many factors that modify the assumed linearity such as age,
smoking, etc.
Secondly, you state that ASSUMING dependence and confounding issues can be
handled, an ecologic study is adequate to test the LNT"
That is really the heart of the problem isn't it? Dr. Cohen has not persuaded
me or from what I can tell most informed epidemiologist and statisticians that
he has indeed handled effect modifiers and confounders adequately. Dr. Cohen
has not addressed the within county joint distributions of even smoking and
radon let alone all the other socioeconomic factors that are also co-correlated
with smoking. Because Dr. Cohen uses ecologic smoking information, he can not
hope to correct for the problem I mentioned above regardless how many attempts
he makes.
I previously sent Dr. Cohen a possible methodology to address the within county
joint distribution problems, but he indicated to me that he thought the
methodology had little to do with his work. Therefore, that created a real
impasse between us and is why I asked his cooperation in selecting a 3rd party
to weigh in on this issue (especially if he plans to find any potential NCRP
opinion on this topic biased). We are getting no where in these discussions on
the list and in fact the discussions have obviously become irritating to some
(for which I apologize in part).
Regards, Bill Field
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