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Re: [Fwd: [abolition-caucus] Uranium pollution and your health]
For this to have an effect on me, should it show up as higher background on
my Geiger Counter or does it only affect people and isn't shown on Geiger
I am exposed to around 10µR/hr at work and 14µR/hr at home background
What increase should I expect based on this alleged risk factor from "hot
I'm sorry, the explanation of the difference between a "hot particle" and
any other Uranium atom escaped me. Could you please clarify? In other
words, why is one atom of U-238 worse than any other atom of U-238?
At 03:42 PM 6/18/2003 -0400, Norman Cohen wrote:
> Hi guys and gals.
>Thought you'd be interested in this.
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