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defense of my comments
I do not argue about the appropriateness of regulatory practices
at all-they certainly encompass more considerations than science. Leaving
monetary issues aside however, the misuse of the concept of the
LNT-whether it is valid or not-certainly can lead to detrimental effects
on mankind by, for example, convincing the medical profession to
overestimate the risks of diagnostic procedures involving radiation. So I
believe it is an important scientific issue. When I said that the
ecological study is irrelevant in the domain of science, that did not
imply that it had no effect, but that it is not valid to simply dismiss
the data. It is also not acceptable to say that the data can be ignored
because it is somehow "bad". It is necessary to devise a model that
reproduces the data, incorporating the ideas one has that underlie the
reasons for rejecting Dr. Cohen's single interpretation, that the results
call into question the validity of the LNT. The data is should not be
questioned. The interpretation of the data is quite rightly open to
question, but alternative explanations have not adequately shown any
quantitative consistency with the results. Therefore I repeat my assertion
that closing the debate is scientifically irresponsible.
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