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Re: LNT and resources [Was: Scientific responsibility]
Let me suggest some possible changes (and let me hasten to add that these are all my own idea, not my employers' or anyone else's):
1. 10 CFR 71.63 (the "double containment" regulation) would be moot (It's almost that now).
2. TRU waste could be transported in containers other than TRUPACT-II.
3. There would be no need for a hydrogen getter in the TRUPACT-II container, it could just be vented.
4, Quite possibly shielding on SNF transportation casks could be reduced and the current regulatory external dose rate (10 mrem/hr at 2 eters from the cask) could be raised. Currently, the maximum external radiation dose to a resident form a passing SNF truck is mestimated to be about 0.001 mrem,
5. The titanium drip shields proposed for Yucca Mountain might not be needed, because the allowed dose to the critical population would be increased by an order of magnitude at least.
6. Performance assessment at Yucca Mountain could probably be simplified considerably.
And these are just the ones I happened to think of.
Ruth Weiner, Ph. D.