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Re: Medis bias
Allow me to those in this non RAD specific observation.
I am 38 and folks my age absent specific RAD training hear RADIATION and they
think Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and of course the made for TV movie "The
Day After" those images are burned into their heads. Our parents on the other
hand think of think like Duck and Cover Drills and those old CD cartoons and
then some a bit older recall newsreels of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All are
GRAPHIC images imbedded deep into the psyche of those age brackets (generally
Today's youth hear bout Dirty Bombs and the like on CNN and via the web and
in any other manners of mass communications most of which has little or no
science behind it or more often then we'd like to admit it has bits and pieces of
science and there in lies the issues the missing bits and pieces.
I bet if we asked 100 adults is RAM glowed most would say yes and if we asked
that same question to RESPONDERS charged with dealing with those dirty bombs
and the other aspects of RAD emergency response (not responders in the nuclear
industry mind you every day guys and gals like me) they too would be ill
The sixty-four thousand dollar question is how do we tap into resources such
as RADSAFE to improve the training of both responders and the public at large.
I for one have even just today used this list to improve my training product
with some simple questions answered by this list and it is not the first time
I've done so. that is a step but in my view even I am moving too slow!
Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET
979-690-3607 (Home Office)
979-458-0795 (Fire Field Office)
"A Texan with a Jersey Attitude"
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