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RE: Jocelyn Kaiser "Science" reports on hormesis - needs letters!

Those citations are particularly relevant in view of Kaiser's implication

that there are no human data supporting hormesis.  Her last sentence quotes

Douple as saying "If you've got human data, you use it."

Ted Rcokwell

-----Original Message-----

From: S. Fred Singer [mailto:singer@sepp.org]

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 5:08 PM

To: Jim Muckerheide

Cc: jerrycuttler@rogers.com; blc@pitt.edu; tedrock@starpower.net

Subject: Re: Jocelyn Kaiser "Science" reports on hormesis - needs


I will be glad to co-sign a sensible letter that reviews the observational

support for radiation hormesis:

Bernie Cohen's radon story

Taiwan  apartment house experience

Hiroshima, Chernobyl  etc lack of cancer

British radiologists, shipyard workers?

Colorado data and locations of high radioactivity

German study of exposure of air crews

Best                  Fred

At 02:41 PM 10/20/2003 -0400, you wrote:



>I have put the 2 subject reports on the web site for your review and

>comment. See:




>You will find the science (biology) case for hormesis has largely been

>left on the cutting room floor (I assume). Please consider sending a

>response.  She has gotten volumes of 'hard science' on the biological

>foundations, and refuting the mainstream apologists.


>OTOH, perhaps she was constrained in how she could deal with the

>mainstream scientists, and she has succeeded in hanging some big targets

>out there to be challenged!


>Although I have gotten some brief negative comments, there seem to be

>fewer of our scientist friends writing letters to the journals, or to

>the scientists or reporters, on the substance of the science.  Let me

>know if you want to respond to this report if you want to communicate

>with others who will be responding.  A joint effort may get more

>substance and attention to get published. But if a number of people

>write, it will be good to inform the "Science" editors even they only

>publish a few responses.


>Thank you.

>Regards, Jim Muckerheide



S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.

President, The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

1600 S. Eads St.,   Suite 712-S

Arlington, VA 22202-2907

e-mail:   singer@sepp.org       Web:  www.sepp.org

Tel:  703-920-2744

E-fax  815-461-7448; notify by e-mail before sending


"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses

to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism

is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin."

 > Thomas H. Huxley


"If the facts change, I'll change my opinion. What do you do, sir? "

 >J. M. Keynes
