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Re: Study_shows_potential_link_to_radiation,_cancer__________________________

I find this whole story appalling.  What sick mind

would drag a child cancer patient around as some kind

of prop.

--- Peter Genzer <genzer@BNL.GOV> wrote:

> Radsafers,


> Follow-up on yesterday's Mangano press conference

> from Pottstown, PA's  

> "The Mercury" daily paper.  The Pottstown mayor has

> certainly made her  

> mind up.


> Peter A. Genzer

> Principal Media & Communications Specialist

> Brookhaven National Laboratory

> Phone: 631 344-3174

> Fax: 631 344-3368

> E-mail: genzer@bnl.gov

> Web: www.bnl.gov



> http://www.zwire.com/site/ 




> ACE: Study shows ‘potential link’ to radiation,

> cancer


> John Gentzel  jgentzel@pottsmerc.com

> 11/20/2003


> POTTSTOWN -- Aaron Holden knows what it’s like to be

> young and have  

> cancer.


> The Owen J. Roberts High School student was

> diagnosed with cancer  

> several years ago, and missed lots of school. And in

> the process,  

> Holden said he lost many friends. Those classmates

> who would talk to  

> him "were afraid of catching cancer," he said.


> Many in the community, including the members of the

> Alliance for a  

> Clean Environment, believe that Holden is an

> unfortunate casualty of  

> living inside what it calls the toxic triangle

> surrounding Pottstown.


> The triangle is comprised of the toxic emissions

> coming from Occidental  

> Chemical in Lower Pottsgrove and the Pottstown

> Landfill in West  

> Pottsgrove, and the radiation from Exelon Nuclear’s

> Limerick Generating  

> Station. And this combination of pollutants is why

> ACE and other  

> environmental activists believe the Pottstown area

> has significantly  

> higher cases of certain types of cancer, including

> those affecting  

> children.


> On Wednesday, Joseph Mangano, national director of

> the Radiation and  

> Public Health Project, discussed the results of a

> study that local  

> activists believe reaffirm existence of the toxic

> triangle.


> The aptly titled Tooth Fairy Project looks at the

> levels of a  

> radioactive isotope in the baby teeth of children

> across the country.  

> So far, Mangano said, nearly 4,000 teeth have been

> studied nationally,  

> including many in the Pottstown area.


> The level of the isotope in question, strontium-90,

> in the 95 baby  

> teeth collected in communities in the Pottstown area

> from children born  

> after 1979 is 34 percent higher than the rest of

> Pennsylvania, the  

> study says. Even worse, the average in teeth from

> Pottstown children is  

> 62 percent higher, according the report.


> Because strontium-90 is a known carcinogen,

> Mangano’s study also looked  

> at cancer rates in the area. The results show the

> cancer rate in  

> Pottstown area children to be 94 percent higher than

> the national,  

> state and regional rates.


> The information represents a "potential link"

> between radiation and  

> cancer, and ACE President Lewis Cuthbert said they

> were advocating the  

> closing of the landfill and the opposition of

> renewing Limerick  

> Generating Station’s operating permit.


> "It has now been confirmed that they are also at

> risk from Limerick’s  

> radiation," Pottstown Mayor Anne Jones said at the

> press conference.  

> "We now know, that radiation gets into the bodies of

> our children. That  

> our children are far more vulnerable. That there is

> no safe exposure.  

> And that on average more children have cancer here

> than anywhere else."


> Strontium-90 is not a naturally occurring product.

> It’s one of 100  

> radioactive isotopes released by atomic bombs,

> nuclear submarines and  

> nuclear reactors.


> Since nuclear weapons haven’t been tested above

> ground since the 1960s,  

> and the level of strontium-90 has increased, Mangano

> said the likely  

> cause of the increase is the nation’s nuclear power

> plants.


> Lisa Washak, spokeswoman for Exelon Nuclear’s

> Limerick Generating  

> Station, said officials were familiar with the

> study. She argued that  

> the information has "never been substantiated by

> scientific evidence"  

> and is often used to "support an anti-nuclear

> agenda."


> Washak said a comprehensive environmental study was

> conducted before  

> construction of the Limerick Generating Station in

> the 1970s to  

> determine what elements were in the air, ground and

> water. Since both  

> reactors started operating in the late 1980s, the

> facility constantly  

> monitors its releases and conducts thorough

> environmental testing to  

> make sure all emissions are consistent or lower than

> pre-operational  

> background levels and compliant with all state and

> federal regulations.  

> The information is available to the public and is

> reviewed by the  

> Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


> "There’s nothing here that wasn’t here before we

> built the plant,"  

> Washak said.


> Other skeptics of the Tooth Fairy Project point out

> that it’s  

> impossible to make any reasonable determination from

> such a small  

> sample of the population, only 95 of the millions of

> people in  

> Pennsylvania.


> Additionally, the study seems to have no control

> group, or tests  

> results from areas away from nuclear facilities.

> This is particularly  

> prevalent in the results presented Wednesday, as all

> 95 teeth sampled  

> were collected from communities surrounding nuclear

> plants, including  

> 34 in Pottstown alone. And, opponents argue, while

> the levels may seem  

> high, they might be comparable to levels of

> strontium-90 found in the  

> baby teeth of children in other areas.


> Still, the results are staggering enough for many to

> want further  

> explanations provided and studies conducted.


> "We need to work together starting today," Cuthbert

> said. "We don’t  

> have any expendable children that we’re willing to

> give over to those  

> polluters and have them wind up as victims."


> ©The Mercury 2003






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John Jacobus, MS

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