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Fwd: Re: medical isotopes - patient expense
Someone questioned my reference to doses to patients
from a Tc-99m thryroid scan. The doses for a Tc-99m
pertechnetate thyroid scan can be found in
http://www.orau.gov/ehsd/DOSETABLES.doc and see the
table for "Radiation Dose Estimates for Tc-99m
Pertechnetate." Both organ and EDE values are
A more clinical descripton of thyroid scanning factors
can be found at http://www.snm.org/pdf/thysc2.pdf with
representative doses on page 3.
--- John Jacobus <crispy_bird@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:54:47 -0800 (PST)
> From: John Jacobus <crispy_bird@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: medical isotopes - patient expense
> To: William V Lipton <liptonw@DTEENERGY.COM>,
> "Celia Rajkovich, RRPT" <celiar@andrew.cmu.edu>
> CC: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
> Actually, the information is free if you know where
> to
> look. Try http://www.orau.gov/ehsd/doses.htm
> --- William V Lipton <liptonw@DTEENERGY.COM> wrote:
> > I'm sure that software is either available or
> could
> > be easily developed which
> > would print out a personalized message, after the
> > staff inputs patient and
> > radionuclide information. I would guess that the
> > cost would be a few
> > $0.01/patient; maybe less.
> >
"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn"
Gore Vidal
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com
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