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Re: Disposal of Decontamination Waste post RDD
- To: WBrunkowConsult@AOL.COM
- Subject: Re: Disposal of Decontamination Waste post RDD
- From: "Gerry Blackwood" <gpblackwood@justice.com>
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 15:14:45 -0800 (PST)
- Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 17:17:16 -0600
- Cc: lboing@ANL.GOV, Clayton.Bradt@LABOR.STATE.NY.US, radsafe-digest@list.Vanderbilt.Edu, Timothy.ake@framatome-anp.com, c.p.pietsch@att.net, Ragovers@cs.com, WesProctor@AOL.COM, Rahim_Ghanooni@YMP.GOV, bjmannpe@AOL.COM, nochar@in.net
- Reply-To: "Gerry Blackwood" <gpblackwood@justice.com>
- Sender: owner-radsafe@list.Vanderbilt.Edu
Again, Congress would have to interceed and curtail the
current EPA Cleanup criteria otherwise the about of
debrie we are talking about would be enormous. Moreover
instead of wait for the event to happen. Congress needs
to enact new regulations concerning this now otherwise
we will have a debate after the event in which would
not help anyone.
This link is an excellent source of information
Gerry Blackwood Ph.D
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