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Re: AW: How to Prepare for a Deployment to Iraq
On 14 Dec 2003 at 5:26, Gerry Blackwood wrote:
> It was never my intention to make a political
> statement, just add some humor onto the list. For
> educated and logical folk that we are suppose to be I
> cannot belive that this simple and funny post set off a
> series of attack-mail....... How childish.
Hi Gerry,
A little humor is always appreciated. And, posting this to Radsafe wasn't really the
issue. I personally objected to the list's reaction and the rebuttal which quickly degraded
to both personal as well as attacks on homelands. That was the only issue I had.
Radsafe has always been a venue where it is hoped that ideas and the issues can be
debated, attempting to keep from attacking the person. This doesn't always happen,
and when it doesn't, the members simply need to be reminded to keep the attacks
limited to the debate, and not to continue the personal assault.
Hope this clarifies my opinions and maybe those of others on the list as well.
Thanks ...
Sandy Perle
Vice President, Technical Operations
Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.
3300 Hyland Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100 Extension 2306
Fax: (714) 668-3149
E-Mail: sperle@globaldosimetry.com
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
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