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Re: Al-Qaida may have nuclear weapons
On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 04:46:42 -0800 (PST), Gerry Blackwood wrote:
>I will also make this point as well, not all WMD are equal. Not
>to underplay the seriousness of WMDs and many are very serious
>threats in the hands of terrorists, but we have to place these
>weapons in perspective. Nuclear weapons are of course
>significantly more threatening to life and order than either bio
>and or chemical weapons at this time. Biological weapons may some
>day destroy life on a massive extent, but they are still
>theoretical and turning this into and effective WMD weapon is
>extremely difficult. Of these threats proliferation of
>conventional weapons and unsecured fissile (nuclear) materials
>are the most serious.
In that point I have an opposite opinion.
The damage done by a nuclear weapon is - even while one of the most horrible threats - at most limited. A very big boom, much damage, and contamination
of a more or less area. Besides of the magnitude, not much different from a chemical weapon like i.e. nerve gas.
On the other side a biological weapon is incontrollable by its nature, because the deadly agent is self-replicating. The first time effect is defnitely much less
compared to a nuclear blast. But even a single, small stroke with a bioweapon carries the risk of killing a significat part of mankind - without distinction
between friend or foe.
THAT's what I'm really scared off.
Best regards
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