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We are working on surveying a basement area and part of the surveys include
gross gamma counting w/ NaI detectors. We've done fairly extensive
measurements with handheld probes and smears to detect fixed alpha, beta or
removable alpha, beta, gamma, but wanted to provide a little extra assurance
that we didn't miss something. Our problem lies in building materials and
background in certain areas. Part of the basement is open top (no ceiling),
part is concrete slab ceiling. Secondly, two areas of the basement are
similar to dead end hallways and this is where the concrete ceilings are
also. Naturally, the gamma counts are going to increase as we enter the
'hallway' areas due to increased NORM. However, I'm looking for a somewhat
simple way to quantify this increase and reassure someone who is looking at
my data that it is NOT contamination. Does anyone know of any modeling I
can apply to this situation? Anyone have similar experiences? We have
looked all over the site for similar building configurations and have come
up empty handed at this time. If you have any advice, please reply directly
to me, or you may reply to the list if you feel there may be some other poor
souls out there like me:)