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Fwd: [CPEO-MEF] IEER Press Release


This is from another list.  Just passing it on, I have no stake or

opinion.  Don't shoot.

Phil Egidi


>>> CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org> 03/12/04 10:50AM >>>

Environmental Research (IEER)

For use after 9:30am EST, Thursday, March 11, 2004

For further information contact:

Arjun Makhijani, IEER: 301-270-5500

Bob Schaeffer: 239-395-6773

                      P R E S S   R E L E A S E



  Standards for Drinking Water Contaminated with Radioactive Tritium

  Need to be Tightened to Protect Pregnant Women, Developing Fetuses

    Department of Energy Appears on Course to Abandon Environmental

        Commitments to Communities, States, Future Generations

Washington, D.C. March 11, 2004:  Current waste management practices

at the Savannah River Site (SRS) nuclear weapons plant, near Aiken,

South Carolina, threaten to make the watershed of one of the most

important rivers in the southeastern United States into a high-level

nuclear waste dump, according to a report issued today by the

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER).

The new report, Nuclear Dumps by the Riverside: Threats to the

Savannah River from Radioactive Contamination at the Savannah River

Site (SRS), also details tritium contamination of the Savannah River

and the environmental injustice caused by SRS-related contamination to

those who subsist on fish from its waters.

The Savannah River Site in South Carolina produced more than one-third

of the plutonium for U.S. nuclear bombs, almost all of the tritium,

and other nuclear materials for the U.S. weapons program.  Past waste

dumping and mismanagement and a failure to implement a sound cleanup

plan have created extensive water pollution beneath SRS as well as

serious risks for water resources in the region.

"Current cleanup policies at SRS will very likely leave a million or

more curies of radioactivity in high-level waste on the Savannah River

Site," said Dr. Arjun Makhijani, IEER president and principal author

of the report.  "The DOE is turning SRS into a de facto high-level

radioactive waste dump."

"We are going to work in a bi-partisan way in the State of Georgia


hold the federal government's feet to the fire," said State

Representative Nan Orrock, Majority Whip (D) of the Georgia House of

Representatives.  "The Department of Energy simply must not be


to put our most precious natural resource - water - at risk in this

appalling way."

"All that we want is a bi-partisan measure to put back into funding

the testing for tritium and other radioactive products in the river,"

stated Rep. Ron Stephens (R-Savannah, Georgia). "My constituents drink

this water."

"There are serious problems that need to be dealt with in an

expeditious manner, properly and correctly," said State Senator


Thomas (D-Savannah/Chatham, Georgia).  "There are contaminants in our

water supply and the Department of Energy should create a cleanup plan

so as to eliminate pollution of our water."

Tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, is the most common water

pollutant at SRS.  "While it is well within federal safe drinking

water standards, recent research indicates that tritium standards may

not be adequate to protect pregnant women and developing fetuses from

adverse health effects," explained Dr. Makhijani. "Tritium can


multigenerational risks.  The federal government needs to recover the

buried wastes dumped decades ago that are still polluting the Savannah

River, and to tighten tritium standards to protect those most at


The IEER report finds that African Americans who rely on the Savannah

River as a primary source of protein - that is, subsistence fishermen

- are disproportionately affected by the consumption of

radioactively-contaminated fish downstream of SRS.  They consume about

four times more fish than the maximum limit set by the South Carolina

Department of Health and Environmental Control.

"We know that people are eating more fish than what is safe-people


color in particular," said Rev. Charles Utley, Central Savannah


Area campaign director for Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League in

Augusta, Georgia. "People whose diets depend on river fish caught

downstream of SRS need to be told about the risks of fish consumption.

And DOE needs to act to reduce the pollution of the river."

Despite the radioactive threats, the Energy Department has denied a

request from the state of Georgia to continue funding radiation

monitoring along the Savannah River, calling the state's program

"redundant" because South Carolina also has a monitoring program.

Unfunded, Georgia's program is set to end April 30, 2004.

"It's simply unacceptable that DOE has cut off environmental

monitoring funds for the State of Georgia," said Sara Barczak, Safe

Energy Director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in Savannah,

Georgia.  "The DOE has created risks for the people of Georgia and


a burden on the state and it should step up to the plate and assume

its responsibilities by restoring the funds rather than tossing the

problem into the laps of communities and state taxpayers."

The IEER report focuses on the daunting problem of managing and

implementing a clean-up program for Cold War-era wastes; it does not

examine the contamination that will result from new and proposed

nuclear weapons or nuclear fuel production programs at SRS, including

a tritium separation facility being built there, a proposed plant to

make plutonium fuel for reactors, and a proposed plant to

mass-manufacture plutonium bomb cores.

"It is unconscionable that this administration is pursuing unneeded,

provocative nuclear weapons programs at SRS even before it has cleaned

up the mess it created during the Cold War," said Ms. Bobbie Paul,

Executive Director of Atlanta Women's Action for New Directions and

board member of Georgia Center for Law in the Public Interest.


the DOE is taking actions that are making the site into a huge,

essentially permanent, radioactive waste dump.  It should clean up its

act and not even think about new bomb plants that would add to the

burdens it has already created."


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