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AW: Al-Qaida may have nuclear weapons

    -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

    Von: Zittle, Mike [mailto:MZittle@FACNET.UCLA.EDU]

    Gesendet: Samstag, 20. März 2004 01:19

    An: 'Franz Schoenhofer'

    Cc: Grimm, Lawrence

    Betreff: RE: Al-Qaida may have nuclear weapons


    I am curious

    What does AW: mean in the subject line?

    Is this different than RE: or FW:?



    Since I have received frequently a similar question I want to reveal the

secret of those abbreviations:

    My Microsoft Outlook is a German Version - believe it or not, I really

bought it!

    Therefore "AW" means "Antwort", which literarily means "answer" and

functionally "Re". If you ever find in my messages the combination "WG" (it

is very unlikely) it would mean "weitergeleitet" or "FW".

    Thank you for your interest, any further questions on German or Swedish

abbreviations are welcome!
