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Thank you Re: Bethlehem Steel, Vitkis and comments

Thank you RADSAFERS:

Your response to the Bethlehem Steel-NIOSH posting has been very 

enlightening, helpful and satisfying (so far, 7 to 1 in support of the position). I have 

been sorely mistaken in the past--as I have found some real compassion among 

this group for these past unrecognized atomic age workers. At least those of you 

that responded off-post have showed a very dignified and caring position 

worthy of Health Professionals. Thanks and bravo to each! 

I also appreciate the flood of response and help in finding the information 

about radiological surveys conducted in the Niagara Falls, New York area. 

Requests for these documents have been made to OR. Thanks again.

My sincerest best wishes to those that have taken their precious time and 

shown kindness and civility.


Louis Ricciuti