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Re: Strontium-90 on Tennessee Highway 95

In a message dated 5/17/2004 7:10:58 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

vargo@physicist.net writes:

Actually, there's a lot of validity in that  A lot of us could use more 

training in effective communication, psychology, leadership (the right-brain kind 

of stuff).  I can recall many instances where radiation workers, members of the 

public, etc. have been turned "anti" because of dismissive or condescending 

attitudes, ineptly communicated explanations of risk, or the "we know what's 

good for you" attitude.  Like or not, personal perceptions become personal 

realities and feelings become beliefs.

Not to be difficult, but it's a two-way street.  I have been "turned off," 

and seen other scientists "turned off" by statements such as (and this is an 

actual quote), "I don't care about your millirem...I have cancer, and that site 

caused it."  I'm sorry, but a determined effort to remain ignorant cannot be 

countered with science, no matter how diplomatically stated.  I readily 

acknowledge that the vast majority of members of the public I've dealt with on a 

personal level are not like this, but it is the vocal few that literally could not 

care less for the facts that catch the politicians' ears, and force the 

science out of agency regulation.
