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Re: " Scientists Say Dirty Bomb Would Be a Dud "
I'll try to offer a somewhat biased opinion on this one. By and large,
Americans are not being educated with regard to dirty bombs. Most adult
Americans receive their on-going education from the media, that is ,
television, newspapers popular magazines and radio. These sources make
essentially all their profits by selling advertising. The more
spectacular the story, the more advertising is sold and the greater the
profit. Since these sources have no one on staff who understands RDDs,
the assign reporters to go to "experts" for their stories. "Experts" or
at least the ones who believe they are experts, will offer differing
opions on RDDs. The spectrum likely runs from "All dirty bombs are
useless" to "Dirty bombs will bring down our civilization."
So, who is the reporter supposed to believe. Having no background in
the subject, he or she decides to quote at least two points of view.
Preferably, these should be as far as part as possible to demonstrate
disagreement and contention amongst scientific experts. This makes for
a great story that will improve advertising sales and hence profits.
And, the reporter is demonstrating her of his commitment to fair and
objective journalism by providing differing points of view.
So the average American citizen doesn't know what to believe. But,
given our penchant for the morose, deep down inside we figure that it's
got to be bad if someone is reporting it, so let's go with the worst
case scenario and predict the downfall of civilization from a RDD
A few citizens will do some research on the topic; going to libraries,
seeking out the most knowledgeable sources, talking with friends "in the
business." They at least stand a chance of understanding the issue.
The moral of the story is if one of those few who are honestly trying
to find information and understand it should stumble on to RADSAFE,
let's treat them kindly, not ridicule their use of language, befuddle
them with cryptic opinions heavily laced with acronyms and references to
obscure publications or allege that they've signed on only to get
something for free. They may have their faults, but they're probably
our only hope.
Gerald Nicholls
NJ Department of Environmental Protection
>>> Jose Julio Rozental <joseroze@netvision.net.il> 06/11/04 12:25AM
Dear colleagues,
I am writing a paper Radiological Accident in Goiania x RDD to be
presented in any future Congress
In Goiania we have learned that many adverse problems we had to be
faced with, besides the technical response, problems that were not
written previously in any publications about emergency response planning
and preparedness. I'll fix my point in this specific topic psychological
concern and ask one question to help me in my paper: The Goiania's
accident caught Brazil by surprise, this will not be the case of a RDD -
- USA has a high degree of education, comparing many other countries. My
question to colleagues: Isn't American citizen being educate to deal
with this fact?
Thanks for the cooperation
If colleagues of another country could also cooperate, I'll appreciate
I would like to add, that the radioactive material mass in Goiania was
93 grams (radioactive mass plus agglutinant) and the volume about 30
cubic centimeter (3.7 cm diameter and 3.0 cm. high)
Jose Julio Rozental
----- Original Message -----
From: LNMolino@AOL.COM
To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: " Scientists Say Dirty Bomb Would Be a Dud "
It does NOT have to be about bloody bodies! Terrorism is about FEAR.
An RDD "dud" can generate fear just. The fact is that if your focus on
the body count, damage, etc., Yes then a Dirty Bob is a dud BUT if you
manage to generate fear with the panic that can and will occur you may
well have achieved your goals if you are the BAD GUYS.
Louis N. Molino, Sr., CET
979-690-3607 (Home Office)
"A Texan with a Jersey Attitude"
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