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Re: smoke detector letter
This is interesting. Is this decision by the NRC still current? We have always
shipped Am-241 smoke detectors at high cost as a lab pack item for disposal.
Remember the story of the atomic boy scout? He used these sources as starting
material for his solid state nuclear reactor in his back yard. And it worked!
I'ts not a stretch to imagine they could easily be purchased (or salvaged) and
used by terrorists for other purposes.
Venkata Lanka wrote:
> Good Afternoon!
> The address for the document is as follows:
> http://www.nrc.gov/what-we-do/radiation/hppos/hppos150.html
> Thanks
> Lanka
> Venkata K. Lanka
> Director/ Radiation Safety Officer
> UMDNJ - MSB A-534
> 185 South Orange Ave
> Newark, NJ 07103
> www.umdnj.edu/orssweb
> Tel: 973-972-5305
> Fax: 973-972-6498
> Pager: 973-421-0570 or 1-866-20UMDNJ
> >>> agnes.barlow@yale.edu 6/22/04 3:11:41 PM >>>
> Recently, someone posted an NRC letter about the
> disposal of smoke detectors [saying they were okay
> to dispose of, even in bulk, without regard to the
> Am-241.]
> I, of course, can not find it now that I want it.
> I have looked on the NRC website and the Radsafe
> Archives. Does anyone out there it? I'd be happy
> with a fax, an electronic version or the website
> for this letter.
> There is also a Health Physics Position Statement,
> HPPOS-150 on the same topic. Anyone know where
> I can find that one?
> Much thanks,
> Aggie Barlow
> fax 203 785-7588
> Agnes.Barlow@Yale.edu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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