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Re: CNN article
In a message dated 7/7/04 1:04:47 am, rujohnso@nmsu.edu writes:
> I'm curious now what the actual doses are to full-time international
> airline crews. Does anyone know, per flight or per annum? I've been asked this
> question before in the radiation safety class I teach, but I don't know. If
> european agencies monitor crew doses, then they must fly with TLD or similar
> badges.
There is quite a good summary by the UK National Radiological Protection
Board at the following URL
It as my understanding that doses to aircrew could not be accurately
estimated using simple passive detectors such as TLDs. Instead special monitoring
equipment has been developed by the NRPB which is carried on the aircraft to
provide dosimetric information and that by using different routes/flight
paths/altitudes it is possible to estimate the doses to aircrew.