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For Global Dosimetry customers that use their website.
Generally I have been happy switching to Global but I have one issue with
them. They do not intend to publish a handbook or users guide for their
website. I have told my sales rep, in no uncertain terms I want one and he
said he will get somebody to print out their help screens if nothing else.
The reason I want a handbook, is first to know what it is I can/want to do
and second for infrequent use such as printing out a form 5 equivalent or
something to be able to refer to the steps instead of interrupting what I'm
trying to do to read the (*^%^^& help screens, not to mention trying to find
the right screen.
So I am soliciting any Global customers that agree with me to send an e-mail
to their sales rep [ or mine, pharris@dosimetry.com] and tell them you want
a users guide or handbook too.
I don't wish to get a discussion of the relative merits of various companies
or get solicitations from other vendors. This is the only issue I have had
a problem with and it may just be I am old fashioned.
So send those e-cards and e-letters if you agree with me or if you don't.
Regards all.
Any opinions in this e-mail are solely those of the author, and are not
represented as those of the VA Eastern Colorado HCS, the Dept. of Veterans
Affairs, or the US Government.
Peter G. Vernig, Radiation Safety Officer, VA Eastern Colorado Health Care
System, 1055 Clermont St. Denver, CO 80220, peter.vernig@med.va.gov, Phone=
303.399.8020 x2447; Fax = 303.393.5026, alternate fax, 303.393.5248
"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable, if anything is found to be excellent or praiseworthy, let your
mind dwell on these things."
Paul of Tarsus
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