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(AP) Leak at Japan Nuclear Plant Kills Four

But read the AP story at  http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040809/D84BMN3O1.html and you'll find:

	"TOKYO (AP) - A nonradioactive steam leak killed four people and injured seven others Monday in the worst-ever accident at a Japanese nuclear power plant, officials said. One other worker was reportedly in critical condition.

	".... Takahiro Seno, a spokesman for plant operator Kansai Electric Power, said the plant automatically shut down when steam began spewing from a leak in the turbine building area at the No. 3 nuclear reactor in Mihama."

The AP article also states: 

	"Monday's was the second fatal accident at a Japanese nuclear plant.

	"The first was in 1999, when a radiation leak at a fuel-reprocessing plant in Tokaimura, northeast of Tokyo, killed two workers and caused the evacuation of thousands of local residents. "

Note the change from "nuclear power plant", used in the article's first paragraph, to "nuclear plant" when associating the nonradioactive deaths at a reactor site to radiation deaths at a non-reactor site.

Rick Strickert

Austin, TX


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