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Re: AW: request for help with Wikipedia article
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 07:28:34 -0600, Michael McNaughton
<mcnaught@lanl.gov> wrote:
> At 04:34 PM 08/26/2004, Stewart Farber wrote:
> >Anyone have good numbers on total Sr-90 vs. Cs-137 releases?
> I have several reports at hand, including UNSCEAR-2000. All agree (within
> about 10%) on the following numbers.
> stronium-90 release = 8 PBq;
> cesium-137 release = 80 PBq.
Sounds great, thanks.
Would anyone object, then, if I were to make the article list the
present-day activity as 55-65 - to include all others that may have
survived in quantity, dispersed Pu, etc? 18/30 (years) is .6, and
[(1/2)^.6]*88 is just a tad over 58.
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