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By "waste pile" do you mean the overburden, or the gypsum pile (= gypsum pond) produced by processing out the phosphate?  Despite being called a pond, they are substantial hills (with a settling pond at the top), especially in a state whose highest point is a whole 90 feet above sea level.


One gypsum pond is on the shore of Tampa Bay, just north of Gibsonton.  This shows the location.


http://maps.infospace.com/info.metac/kevmap?op=MoveMap <http://maps.infospace.com/info.metac/kevmap?op=MoveMap&otmpl=%2Fkevmap%2Fmap-out.htm&lat=27.8533&long=-82.3828&lat_p=27.8659&long_p=-82.3876&QC=Gibsonton&QS=fl&QO=US&width_o=360&height_o=270&detail_o=3&scale_o=1&matchpass=CITY&width=360&height=270&detail=1&scale=2> &otmpl=%2Fkevmap%2Fmap-out.htm&lat=27.8533&long=-82.3828&lat_p=27.8659&long_p=-82.3876&QC=Gibsonton&QS=fl&QO=US&width_o=360&height_o=270&detail_o=3&scale_o=1&matchpass=CITY&width=360&height=270&detail=1&scale=2


It was in the news a few weeks ago, because of hurricane damage causing the liquid content to spill into the bay via a tidal creek.  There is another out toward Fort Lonesome, as I recall, but I don't have an exact location.  


I lived with my grandparents in the area while in college at University of South Florida.


As an aside, Gibsonton is the winter quarters for the major carnivals in the eastern US, much as Sarasota is for the Ringling Brothers Circus.  

-----Original Message-----

From: Boing, Lawrence E. [mailto:lboing@ANL.GOV]

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 7:33 AM

To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu


Can anyone out there direct me to a resource on the location of the phosphate mining waste piles in Florida?  I had read there were 24 such sites in Florida but have not been able to find any other details.  Thanks.


Larry Boing
