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Re: Nuclear Waste,Science, & Politics: Regaining Virginity?
Mike, et al,
I understand your point of view. It apparently reflects the majority
opinion of
the scientific community. However, contrary to this opinion, nuclear waste
management presents neither a unique nor unusual technical problem. The
stuff is simply not that dangerous. I doubt that any review of all of our
efforts to find a solution would give this impression. In fact, if the
of our nuclear waste research efforts had been to stimulate public fear and
apprehension, I would conclude that these programs had been brilliantly
conceived. Jerry
----- Original Message -----
From: Stabin, Michael <michael.g.stabin@Vanderbilt.Edu>
To: jjcohen <jjcohen@prodigy.net>; <vargo@physicist.net>; John Jacobus
<crispy_bird@YAHOO.COM>; <franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT>;
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:42 AM
Subject: RE: Nuclear Waste,Science, & Politics: Regaining Virginity?
>The "scientific" approach that has been applied over the past 50 years,
at a cost of billions of dollars has failed to find an acceptable
I could not disagree more. The scientific and engineering solutions that
I have seen, for both high and low level waste are, to me, acceptable.
And I mean that including if I and my family lived near such facilities.
That is not to say there are not concerns that we can discuss and work
towards even better solutions. What is not acceptable to me are when
honest, skilled professionals spend thousands of hours and come up with
a reasonable and acceptable solution, and it is challenged with
nonsensical objections by someone whose main credentials are that they
starred in a movie about a nuclear power plant, and that challenge is
accepted by Congress and society.
Michael G. Stabin, PhD, CHP
Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Vanderbilt University
1161 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232-2675
Phone (615) 343-0068
Fax (615) 322-3764
Pager (615) 835-5153
e-mail michael.g.stabin@vanderbilt.edu
internet www.doseinfo-radar.com