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Re: Airport screening and medicine

On 13 Nov 2004 at 12:03, Reuven wrote:

> I once MEASURED the radiation dose during an intercontinental flight:

> It was *** 50 times *** HIGHER than the background radiation at sea

> level.


What did you use to measure the dose described above, and, what was 

the duration of the flight?

If one considers the natural background to be, for assumption 

purposes, equals 7 microR/hr, then you're stating that the rate you 

observed was 350 microR/hr. This does seem a bit high. I travel quite 

a bit, and, I don't expect that I have observed the dose rates you 

are quoting. Additional source information would be appreciated.


Sandy Perle 

Senior Vice President, Technical Operations 

Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc. 

2652 McGaw Avenue

Irvine, CA 92614

Tel: (949) 296-2306 / (888) 437-1714 Extension 2306 

Fax:(949) 296-1144

Global Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/ 

Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/ 


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