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Re: Airport screening and medicine

I beg to differ:

I once MEASURED the radiation dose during an intercontinental flight:

It was *** 50 times *** HIGHER than the background radiation at sea level.

For a continuous flight of 365 days, the total radiation exceeds the 


limit of 5 Rads. This certainly is a point of concern to women employed by 

the airlines, as can be verified by innumerous publications.

Besides, I do not subscribe to the Hormesis theory that will soon find 

(paid?) followers here and elsewhere, that advocates low (how much is LOW?) 

X-Ray radiation is actually beneficial.

Reuven Zach

Medical Physicist


----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Brian Rees" <brees@LANL.GOV>

To: "M Nivas" <motnivas@YAHOO.COM>; <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:40 AM

Subject: Re: Airport screening and medicine

> Tom,


> I have measured the dose through a typical x-ray inspection machine at 

> 140-200 uR. (0.14 -0.20 mR) This is more than an order of magnitude (10x) 

> less than the dose received during your flight.  You can look up radiation 

> doses received during a flight on a number of sites,  Reference provided 

> below.  There are more references in the archives, use subject line below.


> Brian Rees


> Subject: RE: In-flight radiation doses

> From: "Edwards, Richard W" <richard.w.edwards@boeing.com>

> To: <radsafe@list.Vanderbilt.Edu>


> In the midst of all of this was a reference to on-line dose calculators. 

> There's CARI, which is on a U.S. FAA web site 

> (http://www.cami.jccbi.gov/AAM-600/Radiation/600radio.html) and EPCARD, 

> which is on the German National Research Center for Environment and Health 

> web site (http://www.gsf.de/epcard/eng_start.php).


> >From: Bill Prestwich [mailto:prestwic@mcmaster.ca]

> >Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 7:53 AM

> >To: ?????? ??

>  ...snip...

> >with no subject line. You can view the Radsafe archives at

> >http://www.vanderbilt.edu/radsafe/



> At 07:56 AM 11/13/2004, you wrote:

>>Greetings all:


>>I fly a lot across the U.S. (20 times this year) and I

>>take several medications.  Some of my pills have been

>>screened several times.  My question is how much

>>damage is there to my medications that have been

>>screened several times?  Has this ever been looked

>>into by anyone?


>>Thanks in advance,


>>Tom Savin





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