[ RadSafe ] Editorial: " My nuclear nightmare "

Jaro jaro-10kbq at sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 23 04:40:24 CET 2005

How unfortunate that journalists feel they *must* flaunt their ignorance....

 Jaro Franta, P.Eng.
Tel.: (514) 875-3444
Montréal, Québec
frantaj at aecl.ca
web master, CNS Québec branch:


My nuclear nightmare
The provincial government should use the threat of terrorist attack on
nuclear plants as a reason to close Gentilly-2
The Gazette, February 22, 2005


 Accidents and terrorism are the two things the nuclear proselytizers want
the public to forget.

One major industrialized country, Germany, has already renounced the nuclear
path. It plans to scrap its plants by 2020.

Quebec has a chance to beat it to the punch. In three weeks, the province's
environmental-review agency will submit to the government its recommendation
on Gentilly's post-2013 fate.

Dismantling Gentilly would entail little deprivation for Quebecers - it
supplies just three per cent of our electricity. But it would make eastern
Canada safer and set an example for the world.

haubin at thegazette.canwest.com

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