[ RadSafe ] BEIR VII
Kolb, William (WKOLB)
WKOLB at arinc.com
Fri Jul 1 14:39:47 CEST 2005
Wouldn't you have to plot the cancer rates against the weighted mean
altitude of the population?
WM Kolb
--- "Otto G. Raabe" <ograabe at ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> At 02:41 PM 6/30/2005, Dale Boyce wrote:
> >I periodically like to point out when discussions
> like these arise that if
> >you take American Cancer Society data on cancer
> death rates by state and
> >plot them versus the mean altitude of the state
> there is a strong
> >anti-correlation. That is the higher you live (and
> therefore the higher
> >your probable background exposure) the lower your
> risk of dying of cancer.
> ***********************************************
> Hawaii doesn't fit very well since it is low in
> altitude and low in cancer.
> Otto
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