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RE: I-125 bioassay

Hi all,

    I am currently working on revising our bioassay procedures and 
have a question or two.  First, with apologies to Lorna Bullerwell
for cutting up her posts; she wrote about NUREG 4884, which I 
have not been able to find.  

Second, she wrote an equation for a retention function for iodine 
from the NUREG 4884:

>The stable intake retention function > for iodine in the thyroid is:
> IRF = (0.286*e^(-0.00605*t)) + (0.015*e^(-0.0602*t)) - (0.301*e^(-
> 2.77*t)), where t = number of days from intake. 

that doesn't match the equation in the ICRP 54 for retention 
function of iodine (NEW DATA???).                     
So, my problems are that I need to find the NUREG 4884 and findout 
why there is a difference (small) between the two retention formulas.

Thanks as always.


Bruce Busby
Idaho State University
Radiation Safety Office

All opinions are mine,
so take them with 
0.064799 grams of NaCl   
