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Radium's Use in Medicine

Forwarded-from: MIKEG

1.  In a copyrighted story in the SF Chronicle on August 14,
1994 an article by Karen MacPherson for the Albuquerque Tribune
entitled "Radium Time Bomb" was reproduced.  The issue was the
use of radium crock pots for radium (essentially "self")
treatment, surface applications, nasal treatments, and on and

2.  A subarticle "Used as a cure-all for many decades" was also
published in the same issue of the Chronicle.  A brief quote:

    During the early decades of the 20th century, doctors injected
    or fed radium to thousands of patients "for every conceivable
    disease, including rheumatism, high blood-pressure, menstrual
    irregularities, depression, waning sex-drive and something
    called debutante's fatigue, according to author Catherine
    Caufield in her book, "Multiple Exposures," a history of
    radiation [sic].

3.  It would appear that public conciousness is arising again on
this issue.   I'm sure Ron's radium dial painters' data is of
potential interest since that was an essentially "oral" administra-
tion (even if not to intentionally treat anything!).

4.  I would note that I have been called on a couple of occassions
by individuals offering to donate radium crock pots to me for a
"historical museum".  Some have been saved by antique collectors,
many of whom are probably not really aware of what a "Revigator"
really is!
The opions expressed above are    |  The opinions above also do not
those of the author alone and do  |  represent those of US Department
not represent those of the        |  of Defense, Defense Nuclear
Stanford University or the US     |  Agency, US Navy, Metropolitan
Department of Energy.             |  Edison, Porter Consultants, etc.

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Subject: Radium's Use in Medicine
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X-Comment:  Radiation Safety Distribution List

Does anyone out there know of a historical reference on the use
of radium in medicine.  I am specifically interested in when it's
uses were halted.  Was it ever used as a therapy agent in solution
of some kind as opposed to using it to irradiate?  And when such
uses, if any were halted.  I know it was tried as a treatment for a
whole host of things and fell out of favor.

Next to a historical text, someone that has been in the Nuclear Medicine
field a long time might be useful to talk to.

Thank any and all sincerely for any help offered in advance.

Peter G. Vernig, RSO, VA Medical Center, 1055 Clermont St. Denver
CO 80220 - 303-399-8020 ex 2447 - VERNIG,PETER@FORUM.VA.GOV is I think,
is   my e-mail address.  I'm hard to get by phone.