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Re: Rad. induced heart attacks

I would like to further explain my reasoning about getting the medical 
examiner to respond to this...

1) With two deaths in the department, the first thing to do is to stop any
unreasoning panic from any of the staff members. Something like this can
(and will) be blown out of proportion. The first need is to calm every one
and sooth thier fears. Thus, if we get a statement from someone who has
acknowledged authority about such things (wouldn't it be nice to be able
to call the NRC about such things and get all the info you need without a
hassle!), it's easier to get people to start thinking rationally and open
thier minds just a little bit so we can get the crowbar of science in 
there to open them further. If thier minds are closed they will just 
think you are blowing smoke up thier #$% and the problem may just escalate.

2) After we have nipped the paranioa in the bud THEN is the time to start 
educating people.  

Just my 2 drachma worth,

and as always these opinions are mine only, and do not relect the views 
of my employer, the state of Wisconsin, the US Government or the Boy 
Scouts of America......

Pat Beyer
Medical College of Wisconsin