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Lead for Jim Herrold RE Quarterly Dosimetry

{Original Msg: 'quarterly vs. monthly TLDs revisited' from <root@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
{Back in November of 1993 there was a brief discussion on both radsafe and
{safety networks about the merits of monthly or quarterly personnel monitoring.
{Up until now we have been using film badges, for economy and other reasons. Now
{we are being forced to go to TLDs on a select group of employees who will be
{working in a biosafety containment facility due to the necessity for
{sterilizing the badges when they come out. The process of sterilization is
{somewhat complicated and time consuming (over a week). Because of theis reason,
{and the added cost of TLDs, we are considering going to quarterly badges. We
{have the exposure records from these same people when they were in another
{building showing hardly ever a reading over 10 mrem in any month, so I don't
{have a problem with less frequent badge reports. While investigating the
{possibilities, we have been considering converting the rest of the campus to
{quarterly while we are at it.
{My question to radsafers is: Is there somebody out there who has gone to
{quarterly monitoring, for part or all of your monitored population, or anyone
{else out there who feels strongly enough about this subject, who can tell me
{what advantages or problems you have found? I would appreciate any information
{I can get at this point. We are looking at converting to TLDs for these people
{within the next week or so.
{Jim Herrold, U of Wyoming
Check with Univ. CAlif. Berkekley, 510-642-6164
Environmental Health and Safety Office # above.  I've seen someone
from there on the net recently but not someone I know.
Anyway they have a large program, 2000+ radiation workers.  Their
lowest level of dosimetry is quarterly TLD rings on theory that hands
get the highest exposure.  I beleive next step is quarterly whole body
badge, retaining the ring and up to monthly whole body badges as last
step still retaining rings.  I talked to them a while ago and they were
revising their internal proceedure/policy (RP-6 I think) in light of
the Calif version of new part 20 and 10+ years of experience.
VA Med Center, 1055 Clermont St.
Denver, CO 80220; 303-399-8020 x2447
FAX 303-393-4656, vernig,peter@forum.va.gov