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Re: smoke detector disposal
>> Does anyone out their have any advice on what to do with a smoke
>> detector whose manufacturer has gone out of business?
> In Canada, the advice given by the regulator (the Atomic Energy Control
> Board) is to ensure that there are no visible radiation warning labels on
> the smoke detector and then dispose of it to regular garbage. The
> reasoning is that this amount of Am-241 is not going to cause a hazard to
> the environment, and that disposal to a rad waste site would be
> financially extravagant, and therefore not ALARA. In fact, the AECB says
> don't dispose of more than 10 detectors per garbage can of waste! (Max
> activity for this method of disposal is 5 microcuries)
It's a shame that this makes too much sense for NRC to adopt.
*John DeLaHunt, EH&S *The Colorado College *
*jdelahunt@cc.colorado.edu*1125 Glen Avenue *
*hazmat-owner@csn.org *Colorado Springs, CO 80905*
*VOX: (719)389-6678 *FAX: (719)635-3177 *
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Airbag Protection System: TV remote when Rush Limbaugh is on.