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NVLAP Accredited Labs

     The question from Tom Obrien touched on the question I wanted to ask 
     to everyone.  How many RADSAFE subscribers have their own NVLAP/DOELAP 
     accredited (or equivalent if outside USA) dosimetry lab?  One of my 
     responsibilities include technical oversight of our NVLAP accredited 
     lab.  We use modified Panasonic UD-802 TLDs with home-grown software 
     running on Windows. I want to know if RADSAFE is an appropriate forum 
     to bring up NVLAP/DOELAP related discussions.
     Please let me know, either via RADSAFE or email to me, if you have 
     your own lab.
     Thanks in advance.
     Tosh Ushino
     San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

Date: 17 Nov 94 09:21:00 EST
From: "THOMAS OBRIEN" <OBRIEN@vax.afrri.usuhs.mil> 
Subject: NAVLAP
Do we have anyone on Radsafe that is knowledgeable on NAVLAP with respect to 
reporting of shallow dose?  Please reply to obrien@vax.afrri.usuhs.mil.
Tom O'Brien
AFRRI, Bethesda, MD