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Re: Course announcements- Reply -Reply
Date: 12/02/1994 01:25 pm (Friday)
From: Paul Frame
To: D1.OUT("radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu"), D2.PO3(BOERNERA,
Subject: Re: Course announcements- Reply -Reply
Forgive me for making a second comment on this subject.
What we have experienced so far has not been a problem. But it can
very quickly get out of hand. TMS is offering 25 courses next year,
we're offering about 12. RSA, RSO, Harvard, HP Services, Huber,
Skrable, Univ of Texas, Consultec, Canberra are a few of the other
organizations with probably equal numbers of courses to offer. Do we
really want to see notices everytime a course is put on? Once this
precedent becomes established the equipment manufacturers will get
involved and I wouldn't blame them.
Yes this information can be usefull, even necessary, but there are
better ways to deliver it. If a bulletin board can't be set up (I
suspect the HPS affiliates would support it) what about establishing
a mailing list of people who want to receive this sort of thing. Such
a list might be maintained by someone like the HPS or Hector and
distributed electronically (ftped) when requested.
Expecting moderation when we're talking about free advertizing is not
Will people drop off Radsafe if ads proliferate? Darn right. I
dropped off for a couple of months because there was too much
nonsense traffic. I'd drop off again if ads appear regularly, but I'd
do my best to see that our ads made their appearance on the screens
of those who stay on the list.
Paul Frame