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Program for calculation of X-ray spectra
Dear RadSafers,
I have uploaded the file XCOMP3R.ZIP to
This file contains XCOMP3R.exe and the required data files for the
calculation of X-ray spectra in the diagnostic energy range from 20
to 150 kV on MS-DOS computers. Follow the readme file for an
A range of filter materials (Be, Al, Cu, ..) for filtering
the primary radiation beam can be applied. Besides, mean spectral
energy, HVLs and Kerma are calculated.
Comments and indication on the fields of application are welcome.
Thanks to the administrator for taking the steps to make it
R. Nowotny
Robert Nowotny
Institut f. Biomed. Technik und Physik, Univ. Wien
AKH-4L, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Wien, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-40400-1988; Fax: +43-1-40400-3988