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Idle Chatter on RADSAFE

                                        - Captain Plutonium!

                                      Idle Chatter on RADSAFE

At the risk of contributing to idle chatter on RADSAFE:

Yes, I must agree with "Free Spirit"  (almost as dumb a name as "Captain
Plutonium") on the so-called "Human Radiation Experiments" that:

1.  Even though most of these "experiments" were NOT studies of radiation
effects (most were simply using radionuclides as tracers), and

2.  Many of these "experiments" were precursors of the normal use of
radionuclides in diagnostic medicine today, and

3.  Most of the doses were minimal, and

4.  At least some (perhaps many, I don't have all the info) were done with was
what was accepted as "informed consent" at the time,

that it was absolutely criminal for the researchers in the 1940's, 1950's and
1960's not to use the high standards of informed consent and Human Studies
Review that we have now in 1995, almost 50 years later.   (Pause to remove
tongue from cheek, in case you missed it.)

The popular press (and, indeed, certain folks in Washington) have lumped ALL
of these studies into the category of NAZI Death Camp Experiments.  I suspect
that a review of the facts will show that, although SOME of the experiments
were questionable in light of today's standards, most were legitimate research
efforts - trying to use this then new tool for the advancement of medicine and

If I recall correctly (and I may be mistaken, as all of the radiation exposure
has apparently affected my brain) Lawrence (at Berserkely) developed and used
an experimental accelerator-produced therapy on his MOTHER (!) to try to cure
her cancer.  Just another example of one of those evil government scientists
plotting to irradiate the hapless populace.  

So let's use a little common sense and perspective here folks.  There are a
lot of babies being thrown out with a little bath water here.

Captain Plutonium -
aka Gary Mansfield at LLNL - mansfield2@llnl.gov

The above opinions are those of the author, and do not reflect the opinions
LLNL, UC, or the DOE.