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Re: Unsolicited Ads

Hector Mandel of UIUC comments on Robert Holloway's posting:

>The exclusion of advertising from the internet is not a "tradition".  In 
>fact, it was, until recently, prohibited by the government agencies that 
>provided the funding that made the internet possible. 

ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. I was on "ARPANET" funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced
Research Programs Agency) since the middle 1980's, funded by the federal
government.  This is among the largest, if not THE largest network 
precursors to the "Internet."  Also subsequently on BITNET, for 
educational purposes, another huge network now linked.

>It is based on our desire to keep the signal-to-noise  
>ratio as high as possible.

Great Metaphor!

Brian H. Cole
Health Physicist
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center	disclaimer: this msg. is hereby disclaimed.