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IAEA Safety Series #6
A notice appeared in today's Fed. Reg., (60 FR 18438-18439, Aril 11, 1995)
announcing the availability for comment of the proposed 1996 revision
to the ever-popular IAEA Safety Series No. 6, "Regulations for the Safe
Transport of Radioactive Materials"
Comments must be received by IAEA by 1 July 1995 and/or (?) by US DOT by
1 June 1995. The final panel meeting to discuss the revisions will be
held in Vienna on Sept. 25 - Sept. 29.
Copies may be obtained from, and comments submitted to:
Docket Unit DHM-30
Room 8421
Research and Special Programs Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street SW
Washington, DC 20590-0001
(202) 366-5046
The contact person is:
Richard Boyle
Radioactive Materials Branch
Reseqarch and Special Programs Administration
U. S. Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590-0001
(202) 366 4545
Changes mentioned in the Fed. Reg. include:
A new Type C package for shipment of larger quantities by air
Exclusive use of SI unit.
ICRP impacts on radiation protection & limits on quantities and classification.
Revised shipping names & UN numbers.
This notice will be cross-posted to the SAFETY & hazmat listservers.
Don Jordan Tel. (312) 702-6299
Office of Radiation Safety Fax 702-4008
The University of Chicago email: don@radpro.uchicago.edu
1101 East 57th Street, Room 11
Chicago, Illinois 60637
-- Any opinions are the author's --