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Re: Reseachers do their monthly lab survey?

George Xu asked,

>Any one of you use the researchers/labs to do their own monthly lab
>swipe/survey and you count the sample and keep the records? I would like to
>hear your comments. Thanks!

This struck me as an odd question.  Kind of like asking state troopers if
the "use" the operators of vehicles to buckle their own seatbelts.  Here at
Ohio State, if you're an Approved Supervisor (lingua franca translation:
Authorized User), your name is on the lab door, and you're responsible for
getting those regular surveys done, be they required monthly or weekly.  And
if a quarterly inspection shows they haven't been getting done (or "no use"
documented), you're in violation.

I'd like to ask the converse.  Do any RSO's send their own limited staff out
to insulate people from the reality of what they're about?  I think users of
radioactivity ought to care enough about their own safe work environment to
do such things for themselves.
Albert Lee Vest          The Ohio State University
Health Physicist                 B-042 Graves Hall
(614)292-0122                 333 West 10th Avenue
                                 Columbus OH 43210
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