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Occ Dose

Hi All... got a question:

>From 10CFR 20 :

	Occupational dose means the dose received by an individual in a 
restricted area or in the course of employment in which the individual's 
assigned duties involve exposure to radiation and to radioactive material 
from licensed and unlicensed 

My question is then, can you get a "public dose" in a restricted area? I 
know that 10cfr19 states training requirements for restricted area access, 
but does this mean that tours, visitors and emergency response personnel 
are all receiving an occupational dose if they eneter restricted areas?

To try and clarify my confusion:
I think the question involves interpt of the words. Something like 
-what are the two conditions stated in this definition.
Is it "Occupational doses are recieved by persons:

1) in a restricted area;
2) in the course of employment in which the individual's assigned 
duties involve exposure to radiation and to radioactive materials...."

or is it "Occupational doses are recieved by persons:

1) in a restricted area;
2) in the course of employment;

either of which the individual's assigned duties must involve exposure to 
radiation and to radioactive materials...." 

I thought it was too quiet on here, and this was a question I was asked 

Comments, or further clarification would be appreciated.

Thanks, as always,

-Bruce Busby