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Free: 4.5 Mg Nuclear Grade Graphite

Our university is discontinuing parts of its nuclear engineering program. ::(
We  have a medium size pile of nuclear grade graphite, previously used for
neutron moderation experiments, which we will give for free to a suitable
non-profit organization (preferably involved in education). The organization
accepting the graphite would have to cover associated costs of shipping and

Description: The pile, consisting of 228 full rods, 40 half rods, and 4
quarter rods weighs approximately 4.5 million grams in a volume of 2.78
cubic meters (1.83 m high x 1.23 m wide x 1.23 m deep). Each full rod is
hexagonal in cross section (0.0102m across flats; 0.0114 m across vertexes)
and 1.83 meters long, and "weighs" roughly 18.0 kilograms. Approximately
ten of the rods have grooves cut along their lengths which can serve as
instrumentation and neutron source "ports."

For more information, please contact:

Joe Doyle
Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106
(805) 893-3251, jdoyle@engineering.ucsb.edu