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* Landauer users: Has anybody noticed if their collective personnel filmbadge
* doses for March are higher than normal? At the VA, we have noticed that our
* person-rem was 4 standard deviations higher than the mean of the previous 26
* months, making the dose highly unlikely to be real; 2290 mrem vs. mean of 1006,
* SD of 320. Control films, etc. are OK, nothing anomalous otherwise is known
* and Landauer has been contacted, who responded with a shrug.
* Any other thoughts also appreciated.
Landauer are now marketing in the UK and we are looking at our future options for
personal dosimetry. Their service is one option.
The fact that they responded to a query "with a shrug" worries me a little.
Has anyone else found them to be unhelpful? Any general comments on the
service that they provide?
Replies privately or to the list would be greatly appreciated.
Radiation Protection